The Materials Science, Energy and Nanoengineering department, MSN, of the Mohammed VI polytechnic University (UM6P) is launching several PFE subjects for the academic year 2022. Would you like to join us for your PFE and be part of a multidisciplinary team ? Then send us your CV and motivation letter by the 15/02/2022 to Ad***********@um**.ma and mention the reference of the PFE in the email subject.

About Mohammed VI polytechnic University (UM6P) and MSN department

Located at the heart of the future Green City of Benguerir, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), a higher education institution with international standards, is established to contribute to the development of Morocco and the African continent. Its vision is honed around research and innovation at the service of education and development.

The Materials Science, Energy and Nanoengineering department, MSN, conducts research in a range of applied research areas, including surface & nanotechnology, polymers and composites, energy, and sustainable materials. It disposes of a top-class laboratory infrastructure and a laboratory management system that aims for excellence. More information about the MSN department can be found at:

PFE subjects at MSN department for 2022

1 “Evaluation of Growth Properties and Productivity of common bean using Novel Phosphorus Coated Slow-Release Fertilizers under Greenhouse and Field conditions”


Description of the subject

Phosphorous, Nitrogen and Potassium are the most commonly used nutrients in agriculture which can improve the nourishment of plants. However, after being applied to soil, the efficiency of fertilizers, especially the nitrogen forms, is greatly reduced due to the volatilization and leaching of nutrients. Also, this gives rise to environmental pollution and health problems due to the hazardous emissions. For this reason, it is necessary to develop more innovative solution to control the release of NPK fertilizers upon demands of the plants by using materials that perform slow-release or controlled-release. The slow-release fertilizers (SRFs) have also been introduced as an innovative approach to improve phosphorus use efficiency of staple crop. The SRFs have advantage over conventional fertilizers as nutrients are slowly released, more up taken by the crop plants, and less fixation by the soil constituents. This slow release of nutrients can be achieved by providing coatings with different materials. However, the main objective of this project is to investigate the effect of slow-release fertilizers on plant growth, yield, soil N-P-K content, and agronomic nutrients use efficiency.

Your profile: Enrolled in Master degree program in the field of Plant sciences, Agronomy, Agriculture engineering or related field

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

Location: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir

2 “Greenhouse Evaluation of Novel Coated N-P-K Slow-Release Fertilizers for Wheat”


Description of the subject

The sustainability of agriculture requires the development of new production technologies as well as new fertilizers with high use efficiency and less impact on the environment such as slow-release fertilizers (SRF). The aim of designing SRF was to decrease the solubility rate of conventional fertilizers in water for slower nutrients delivery and extended nutrients availability to plants. Therefore, the application of SRF is believed to provide better nutrition for crops, reduce labour cost and avoid any possible environment impacts due to excessive and frequent fertilization.

This internship aims at investigating the response of wheat to a new type of coated slow-release N-P-K fertilizers in order to establish their agronomic optimal application.

Your profile: Enrolled in Master degree program in the field of Plant sciences, Agronomy, Agriculture engineering or related field.

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

Location: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir

3 “Biodegradable polymers for slow-release fertilizers applications”


Description of the subject

According to the recent United Nations report, the world’s population is gradually expanding and is expected to reach 11.2 billion in 2100. To keep pace with population growth, agriculture is vital for food production, leading to high demand of fertilizer consumed to boost crop yield. For this purpose, the sustainable agriculture is a potential solution for maintaining crop productivity and protecting the natural environment, which depends on sustainable water and nutrient management. Until today, slow release of nutrients (Phosphorus, Potassium and Nitrogen) in the soil have remained major challenges of the fertilizer industry.

The main objective of this project is to obtain biodegradables materials with slow-release and water retention properties using coating technology and encapsulation process.

Your profile: Master student with material science or chemical engineering background

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

Location: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir

4 “Development and characterization of magnetic polymeric composite materials”    


Description of the subject

Currently, there is immense interest in the preparation of magnetic polymeric composite particles (MPCPs) for many applications. This interest exists because MPCPs exhibit high magnetic susceptibility to an external magnetic field; in addition, they are easily further functionalized and surface-modified by functionalization. However, the main objectives of this project are, first, to determine the-state-of-the-art of these type of materials, second, to incorporate a Fe3O4 particles inside polymer successfully to obtain MPCPs, finally to study the physical and chemical properties of MPCPs.

Your profile: Master student with material science background.

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

Location: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir

5 “Development of novel magnetic polymeric nanocomposite materials”


Description of the subject

Significant technological interest has focused on polymer inorganic nanocomposites (PINCs) over the last decades. The use of nanoparticles into the polymer matrix can provide novel materials that find applications in many industrial fields. As a result of the development in nanotechnology, inorganic nanomaterials have been discovered and fabricated. The mixing of polymers and nanoparticles is opening pathways for engineering flexible composites that exhibit advantageous magnetic, electrical, optical, or mechanical properties. As part of this renewed interest in nanocomposites, researchers began seeking new strategies to engineer materials that combine the desirable properties of nanoparticles and polymers for the formation of PINCs. This project aims to develop a new magnetic polymeric nanocomposite using various methods.

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

Location: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir

6 “Rare earth based materials: synthesis and functionalization”


Description of the subject

Rare earth elements, consisting of yttrium, scandium and the 14 elements of the lanthanide series, have attracted huge interest in both academic research and in the industry, due to their unique physical and chemical properties. Rare earth based materials constitute a type of functional materials widely used and studied in the recent literature. This project aims to develop novel rare earth based materials by different synthesis route. he developed materials will be characterized by powder X-ray diffraction technique (XRD), SEM, FT-IR, and TG-DTA analysis.

Your profile: Master student with material science background..

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

7  “Valorization of phosphate mine wastes for composite materials development”


Description of the subject

Industrial wastes, which are by-products generated during industrial processes or activities, are one of the most environmentally hazardous pollutants. And ensuring sustainable management of these wastes remains the main challenge facing the world. Morocco, more particularly the OCP, is the world’s leading exporter of phosphate, with 45% of the market and sufficient reserves to meet demand for centuries. Like all mining activities, the phosphate industry is the source of huge amounts of wastes/by-products, including waste rocks (materials removed to reach the phosphate ore), phosphate sludge (generated during phosphate ore beneficiation) and phosphogypsum (generated during phosphoric acid production). Therefore, valorization of wastes remains the best solution for a sustainable waste management. These wastes have the potential of being used to develop value-added composite materials that can be used in a variety of applications, while at the same time saving other conventional materials usually used in composites and reducing the production of virgin plastics.

The student will be part of the MSN department, and his main missions will be as follows:

– Characterize the co-product in its entirety.

– Identify and evaluate the different processes likely to allow recovery.

– Perform the tests and sizing necessary to implement the recovery technique chosen on an industrial scale.

Your profile: Master student with material science background..

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

8 “Capture du dioxyde de carbone à l’aide des matériaux à base de schiste bitumineux”


Description of the subject

Ces dernières années, l’accélération des émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) provenant de la combustion des fossiles a principalement contribué au réchauffement de la planète. (CO2) provenant de la combustion de combustibles fossiles a principalement contribué au réchauffement de la planète, qui représente environ 78 % des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre. Le captage et le stockage du carbone peuvent constituer une approche rentable pour la décarburation des secteurs électrique et industriel. Tout en permettant une utilisation continue des combustibles fossiles conventionnels. Parmi les différentes technologies, l’adsorption est une technologie prometteuse pour l’adsorption du CO2.en raison des propriétés suivantes : facilité de manipulation, faible consommation d’énergie pour le processus de régénération, capacité d’adsorption du CO2 et sélectivité élevées dans des conditions atmosphériques. La stabilité à long terme une cinétique rapide et un bon rapport coût-efficacité.


L’objectif du travail est de proposer une solution efficace de captation du dioxyde de carbone en utilisant des charbons actifs préparés à partir des schistes bitumineux marocaine. L’étudiant(e) travaillera sur la modification de surface des matériaux (chimique et thermique) pour leur attribuer de nouvelles propriétés. A ce jour, ces ressources naturelles ne sont pas valorisées au niveau industriel et nous souhaitons développer leurs propriétés pour des applications en captage de dioxyde de carbone.

L’étudiant travaillera également pour déterminer les meilleurs conditions expérimentales (la température, la concentration initiale de l’agent d’activation) conduisant à une fixation de la molécule de CO2 maximale. Les caractérisations de surface se feront par microscopie électronique à balayage et spectroscopie infrarouge et la surface spécifique

Le candidat doit avoir des connaissances approfondies en chimie organique et dépollution de l’eau. Des connaissances pratiques pour le travail en laboratoire seront indispensables. Un premier stage en laboratoire est demandé pour ce projet de recherche.

Le candidat doit avoir des connaissances approfondies en physique-chimie des matériaux et les méthodes de modification de la surface (activation chimique et physique). Des connaissances pratiques pour le travail en laboratoire seront indispensables.

Experimental techniques and characterization tools: XRD, XRF, FTIR, Tests mecaniques, MEB, granulolazer….

Your profile: Master student with material science background..

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

9 “Elaboration et caractérisation de céramiques réfractaires à base d’Al2O3-ZrO2, SiO2”


Description of the subject

Les matériaux réfractaires peuvent être divisés en plusieurs classes en se basant sur composition chimique (acide, basique et spéciale), la méthode de mise en œuvre (façonnée et non façonnée), la méthode de fabrication (fondue et frittée) et la porosité (poreuse et dense). (Fusionné et fritté). Ces matériaux sont censés être résistants à la chaleur et sont exposés à différents degrés de contraintes et de déformations mécaniques, à la corrosion par les liquides et les gaz, et à l’abrasion mécanique à haute température. Différents types de matériaux réfractaires peuvent être synthétisés selon la nature des matières premières et le procédé utilisé. Dans la fabrication des produits réfractaires (façonnés, monolithiques ou électrofondus), différents procédés peuvent être utilisés. La mise en forme et les techniques de cuisson sont les plus utilisées.


Les domaines d’application des réfractaires sont multiples et dépendent des propriétés de chaque type. En effet, les performances d’un (bonne résistance à la chaleur et aux chocs thermiques) est directement liée à la texture et à la richesse du réfractaire minéral. Tels que mullite, corindon, périclase, dolomie, spinelle et alumine.

L’objectif de ce projet porte sur l’élaboration et la caractérisation des matériaux réfractaires à base des ressources naturelle marocaine. Pour attendre notre objectif on va commencer par une étude approfondie sur les réfractaires, leurs principales propriétés, leurs procédés de fabrication et leurs principaux secteurs d’utilisation. Suivie d’une étude expérimentale sur le procédé d’élaboration, les techniques de caractérisation des céramiques réfractaires développe à partir de l’argile marocaine en présence des ajouts pour améliorer les propriété thermique et mécanique.

Le candidat doit avoir des connaissances approfondies en mécanique, matériaux, génie civil. Des connaissances pratiques pour le travail en laboratoire seront indispensables

Experimental techniques and characterization tools: XRD, XRF, FTIR, Tests mecaniques, MEB, granulolazer….

Your profile: Master student with material science background..

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

10 “Formulation et durabilité des géopolymères à base de métakaolin et les sous-produits industriels”


Description of the subject

Les matériaux à base de ciment Portland ordinaire (OPC) sont largement utilisés dans divers domaines du génie civil en raison de l’abondance de leurs matières premières et de leurs bonnes propriétés mécaniques. Néanmoins, la préparation de l’OPC produit une quantité importante de dioxyde de carbone, ce qui entraîne une grave pollution de l’environnement. En outre, les matériaux à base d’OPC sont corrodés directement par le dioxyde de carbone et les ions corrosifs présents dans l’environnement pendant le processus de service. Cela affecte gravement les propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité des structures d’ingénierie. En tant que matériau de construction respectueux de l’environnement, le béton géopolymère est considéré comme un substitut préférable aux matériaux à base d’OPC en raison de l’abondance de ses matières premières ainsi que de ses bonnes propriétés mécaniques et de sa remarquable durabilité. Les bétons géopolymères à base de métakaolin ont une résistance et une durabilité plus élevées que ceux préparés avec des matériaux à base d’OPC. Cependant, les problèmes rhéologiques causés par ses particules en forme de plaques compliquent son processus de fabrication. Les gels C-S-H et C-A-S-H dans les produits de réactions activées par les alcalis du laitier donnent aux matériaux géopolymères à base de laitier une résistance élevée et une bonne résistance aux acides.


Les principaux objectifs de projets de master étaient d’évaluer la formulation et la durabilité des géopolymères à base de métakaolin et d’autre sources inorganiques. La première partie de cette étude a donc été dédiée à la formulation de ces matériaux réalisés exclusivement à partir de métakaolin et d’autre sources d’aluminosilicates. Une caractérisation physico-chimique ainsi qu’une étude de la durabilité des matériaux développe dans des milieux acide et basique.

Le candidat doit avoir des connaissances approfondies en physique-chimie des matériaux. Des connaissances pratiques pour le travail en laboratoire seront indispensables

Experimental techniques and characterization tools: XRD, XRF, FTIR, Tests mecaniques, MEB, granulolazer….

Your profile: Master student with material science background..

Start date: 20/02/2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

11 “Préparation et caractérisation d’une électrode de batteries Li-ion à base d’un minerai naturel”


Description of the subject

Dans le cadre de ces activités sur le développement de matériaux innovants et alternatifs pour le stockage de l’énergie, le département recrute deux stagiaires (PFE : Projet de fin d’étude, niveau Master) pour une durée de 5 Mois à partir du 15 Février 2022. Les stagiaires exerceront leur activité au département MSN qui portera essentiellement sur la mise en œuvre de matériaux d’électrodes et de méthodes de traitement/analyses physico-chimiques de matériaux pour batteries secondaires.


L’objectif de ce projet porte sur l’élaboration de matériaux d’anode de batteries Li-ion à partir d’un minéral local. La première étape consistera en une analyse physico-chimique étendue des matériaux naturels avant de procéder à leur purification et modification. Cette étape nécessitera une mise en place d’une procédure de traitement/purification adaptée aux matériaux cibles. La deuxième étape du projet portera sur la mise en œuvre d’électrodes de batteries à partir des minéraux purifiés avant leur intégration dans batteries Li-ion. La dernière étape du projet portera sur l’analyse des performances des batteries assemblées.

Le candidat doit avoir des connaissances approfondies en électrochimie, matériaux, techniques de cratérisations spectroscopiques et par diffraction de rayon X.

Experimental techniques and characterization tools: XRD, XRF, FTIR, formulation, MEB, Électrochimie, boite à gant, flotation, lixiviation acide ou basique.

Your profile: Master student with material science background..

Start date: 20/02/ 2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

12 “L’extraction des éléments de terres rares à partir du phosphate naturel et l’acide phosphorique.”


Description of the subject

Lors de la production d’acide phosphorique, il existe des impuretés dans le phosphate, qui affectent le processus ou la qualité du produit, comme le fluor, la silice, le fer, l’aluminium, le calcium et le magnésium, et les carbonates. Parmi ces impuretés, la présence de d’aluminium et de silicate augmente la cristallisation du gypse, tandis que le magnésium augmente les pertes de P2O5. D’autres impuretés sont très importantes sur le plan économique comme les éléments de terres rares (ETR). Les ETR comprennent quinze éléments de la série des lanthanes ainsi que l’yttrium et le scandium. Ces minéraux ont été communément considérés comme rares” non pas parce qu’ils sont déficients dans la croûte terrestre, mais en raison de leur existence “rare” dans l’environnement. Diverses études se sont concentrées sur la récupération des terres rares à partir du phosphate naturel, l’acide phosphorique et le phosphogypse. Ont étudié l’extraction en adoptant plusieurs méthodes comme le cas de la méthode de la membrane liquide en émulsion. L’extraction liquide-solide en utilisant un échangeur d’ions et lixiviés en utilisant des acides forts HCl, HNO3 et H2SO4.


Ce stage est une étude qui se focalise sur l’extraction des terres rares à partir des produits et sous-produits phosphate. L’objectif de ce stage de recherche est l’identification des méthodes d’extraction. Il s’intègre dans les activités de recherche de l’équipe du matériau durable au sein du département materials Energie et nanotechnologie (MSN). L’objectif du travail proposé consiste à faire un état de l’art sur les méthodes d’extraction des métaux lourds.

Le candidat doit avoir des connaissances approfondies en physique-chimie des matériaux. Des connaissances pratiques pour le travail en laboratoire seront indispensables

Experimental techniques and characterization tools: XRD, XRF, FTIR, Tests mecaniques, MEB, granulolazer….

Your profile: Master student with material science background..

Start date: 20/02/ 2022

End date: 02/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

13 “Development of flame-retardant biopolymer foams for automotive applications”


Description of the subject

Polymer foams are widely used in cars (seats, armrests and headrests) where they are offering comfort and protection to the driver/passengers. In this project, we aim to investigate the possibility to use biopolymer foams for automotive applications. The biopolymer will be extracted from widely available lignocellulosic resources in Morocco (e.g., Halfa), and the flame-retardancy will be conferred to it via its functionalization with phosphates. Various strategies will aim to confer the foam with cushioning properties to meet the requirement of the automotive industry.

Your profile: second year Master student in materials science or equivalent

Start date: 01/03/ 2022

End date: 30/09/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

14 ” Development of new sustainable materials for corrosion application “


Description of the subject

The development of efficient inhibitors and anti-corrosion pigments based on environmentally sustainable compounds for steel protection is of crucial importance for industry but also for the preservation of metallic components. This study reports the synthesis and characterization of a new materials and to study the potential of their application for corrosion protection of S235 low carbon steel in NaCl solution. The anti-corrosion efficiency of the new developed biopolymers will be evaluated using corrosion measurements. Furthermore, the mechanism of steel protection will be assessed by different surface characterization techniques.

Your profile: second year Master student in materials science or equivalent

Start date: 01/03/ 2022

End date: 30/09/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

15 ” Physical vapor deposition on biopolymer based flexible packaging materials: Growth characteristics, antibacterial and diffusion barrier properties”


Description of the subject

Biopolymers are a class of materials generating great interest for short term usage applications such as food packaging. To meet the requirement necessary for their use in such an application, biopolymers must fulfill certain criteria such as gaz and moisture barrier and antibacterial functions. Amongst various strategies employed to impart these functions to biopolymers, coatings applications are gaining importance. Here a well-designed thin film coating applied to the surface of the biopolymer could enhance its barrier and antibacterial performance allowing it to be used efficiently as packaging for food preservation. Such coating may be applied via the PVD process, which is based on magnetron sputtering technology, more particularly the High Power Impulsed Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) technology. This technology that will be used is a promising candidate for the deposition of dense and homogeneous coatings. This industrially scalable technique has many advantages, specifically the large area coverage of different textured and structured surfaces, and the deposition processes are made at lower temperature.

Using this method, the power supplied to the sputtering target is applied in pulses with low duty time and low frequency, which allows to give a high peak current during the on time. The sputtered materials are therefore highly ionized due to the high peak current, which leads to the growth of high quality and dense coatings, without heating during or after the deposition.

The mission of this project is to use HiPIMS technology to deposit materials based on carbides (diamond like carbon – DLC) and oxides (Titanium oxide) on the biopolymers used for food packaging.


Review literature in the field of coatings for biopolymers using PVD process

– Fabrication of the biopolymers

– Optimization of coating parameters

– Optimization of the coating (thickness, density, homogeneity, etc)

– Study of the performance of the coating including the permeability and antibacterial properties.

Experimental techniques and characterization tools

– Physical vapor deposition process

– Biopolymers processing methods

– Material analysis techniques: SEM, EDS, AFM, XRD, Raman Spectroscopy,

– Mechanical properties: Nanoindentation

Your profile: you are a Master student in materials physics or chemistry or equivalent

Start date: 01/03/ 2022

End date: 30/09/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

16 ” Electrosorption and electrochemical performance of activated-carbon derivative from natural anthracite as electrode for capacitive deionization”


Description of the subject

Water pollution and freshwater shortages are becoming two of the most pressing worldwide environmental concerns of the twenty-first century, as a result of the fast industrial growth, rising human population, and active agricultural operations in modern civilization. However, the earth contains about 1.4×109 km3 of water, which covers approximately 70% of the planet surface area; the percentage of salt water in this large amount is 97.5%. The remaining 2.5% is fresh water with 80% of this amount frozen in the icecaps or combined as soil moisture. Both forms are not easily accessible for human use. The remaining quantity, about 0.5%, is believed to be adequate to support all life on Earth.

Capacitive deionization (CDI) is an incipient desalination technology based on the principle of electrical double layer capacitors. When a constant voltage is applied to high surface area and electrically conductive electrodes, electrodes become oppositely charged and ions are adsorbed onto the electrode surfaces under the presence of the electric field, thereby producing a purified stream of water. When the electrodes are saturated with ions, the applied voltage is removed or the polarity is reversed to desorb the ions and generate a stream of waste concentrate.

In this work our objective is the preparation of activated carbon derivative of natural anthracite, with higher porosity in order to study the electrosoption performance also to explore the long-term desalination performance and efficiency of CDI setup.


Review literature in the field of activated carbon as electrode material for CDI.

· Preparation of activated carbon by chemical activation agents using adequate methods.

· Physico-chemical and electrochemical characterizations of synthetized electrodes.

· Discuss the results and write the report

Experimental techniques and characterization tools: XRD, Raman Spectroscopy, SEM, Electrochemistry, desalination performance.

Your profile: Master student with material science or Physico-chemical background are preferred

Start date: 15/02/2022

End date: 15/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

17 ” Design of phosphate-based positive electrode materials for Na-ion batteries”


Description of the subject

The strong growth of the world’s population implies an increase in the demand for energy. Thus, the latter plays a very important role in the development of human civilization and the progress of modern technology. Performance indicators, the environment, the cost, and safety are the main challenges to meet the need of our energy society. The battery that we widely use in our laptop, cell phone, computer, etc. is lithium-ion battery (LIB) due to their high energy density, long cycle life and high efficiency, but the problem is that the increase in demand for lithium will lead to an increase in its price the fact that its low availability and its geographical distribution, so the question is can we ensure a sustainable market based only on LIBs. For this reason, researchers need to focus on finding an alternative electronic system that replaces lithium with other alkaline system that have high potential for energy storage, such as potassium, aluminum, zinc, sodium and so on in order to meet the needs of the market depending on the application purpose.

Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have attracted increasing interest due to their advantages. Sodium is the second most abundant element among the alkaline or alkaline earth elements, providing a cost-benefit. SIBs show the same basic redox chemistry as LIBs in numerous characteristics. However, it confronts a series of critical obstacles to a concrete application.

For that, the investigation and enhancement of cathode materials with high reversible capacity, adequate voltage window, and stable structure are therefore of great importance for SIBs applications.


Review literature in the field of cathode materials-based phosphate for Sodium Ion Batteries.

· Design new materials-based phosphate as cathode using adequate methods.

· Physico-chemical and electrochemical characterizations of synthetized cathodes.

· Discuss the results and write the repor

Experimental techniques and characterization tools: XRD, Raman Spectroscopy, SEM, Electrochemistry.

Your profile: Master student with material science or Physico-chemical background are preferred

Start date: 15/02/2022

End date: 15/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely

18 “Hybrid Solid Electrolytes for Li ions batteries”


Description of the subject

Lithium-ion Batteries bear several limits caused by its liquid electrolytes, especially in terms of safety and life cycle. The replacement of currently used liquid organic solvents by solid electrolytes with high ionic conductivity lead to more secure and reliable energy storage system with high energy density.

Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) -based solid polymer electrolytes have attracted much interest due to their high ionic conductivity resulting from its high dissociation capacity of lithium salts, yet they lack mechanical stability in their neat form. Many strategies, such us Copolymerisation, crosslinking and polymer blending, have been used to improve the mechanical stability. However, the ionic conductivity is strongly affected due to low lithium ion mobility in the second polymer.

In this work our objective is to mitigate the high crystallinity (70-80%) of PEO at room temperature which hinder the mobility of the polymer’s chains and decrease it’s ionic conductivity (10-8 to 10-6 S cm-1) by using inorganic fillers. For that, a novel nanocomposite organic/inorganic hybrid material, based on polyether and Phosphate fillers, will be developed as a hybrid solid electrolyte system that can exhibit high Li-ion conductivity at room temperature and below. The inorganic component of the electrolyte will be used to block the Li-metal dendrite penetration. This allow to safely apply Li-metal as high capacity anode, which in combination with a high Li-ion conductivity provides a strategy towards high performance all-solid state batteries.


Review literature in the field of solid electrolyte based on PEO material

· The identification of the right fillers to get good compatibility with PEO polymer dispersion system

· Physico-chemical and electrochemical characterizations of synthetized solid electrolyte

· Discuss the results and write the report

Experimental techniques and characterization tools:Electrochemistry, Spectroscopy, mechanical properties

Your profile: Master student with material science or Physico-chemical background are preferred

Start date: 15/02/2022

End date: 15/08/2022

Mode:  60% On-site 40% remotely